Deltag i FIG trænerseminarer og webinarer
FIG tilbyder lige nu GRATIS deltagele på fire trænerseminarer og to webinarer. Vælg mellem:
- 4. juni kl. 16:00 (CET)
Seminar – Physical preparation for injury prevention
Keynote: Keith Russell (CAN)
Education Commission: Tseko Mogotsi (RSA) - 11. juni kl. 16:00 (CET)
Webinar – How female gymnasts can keep training without a gym
Keynote: Andres Gerardino (COL)
Moderator: Andrea Joao (BRA)
Education Commission: Hardy Fink (CAN) - 18. juni kl. 16:00 (CET)
Seminar – Improving performance with nutrition, sleep and rest
Keynote: Ignacio Grande (ESP)
Education Commission: Marco Bortoleto (BRA) - 25. juni kl. 16:00 (CET)
Webinar – Peak performance at the right time, every time: The impact of training load and monitoring
Keynote: William Sands (USA)
Moderator: Paul Hall (GBR)
Education Commission: Jani Tanskanen (FIN) - 2. juli kl. 16:00 (CET)
Seminar – Preparing for success by planning ahead
Keynote: Ignacio Grande (ESP)
Education Commission: Hardy Fink (CAN) - 9. juli kl. 16:00 (CET)
Seminar – Training for a growing child: Understanding growth and maturation for optimal training in children
Keynote: Keith Russell (CAN)
Education Commission: Marco Bortoleto (BRA)