NM TeamGym Senior 2017
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Der er lagt op til et gigantisk nordisk opgør, når nogle af Europas allerbedste TeamGym gymnaster tørner sammen til NM i Lund, bare et år efter EM i Slovenien. Danmark stille i stærkeste opstilling med de to bedste hold inden for mix, dame og herrer – alle kvalificeret ved DM i foråret. Danmark har tradition for at være i den absolutte top i TeamGym og målet ved NM senior at opretholde den status.
DR sender de Nordiske Mesterskaber i TeamGym (artikel fra d. 20 oktober)
Masser af medaljedrømme ved de Nordiske Mesterskaber i TeamGym (artikel fra d. 9. november)
TeamGym- formand inden NM: Forvent vilde oplevelser og danske medaljer (artikel fra DR 9. november)
Masser af medaljer og vilde oplevelser (artikel 13. november 2017)
PROGRAM, lørdag d. 11 november:
10.00-10.10 Åbningsceremoni
10.20 -12.10 Konkurrence MIX
12.20-13.40 Opvarmning for DAMER
14.00-16.00 Konkurrence DAMER
16.10-17.05 Opvarmning HERRER
17.15-18.40 Konkurrence HERRER
18.45 -19.15 Præmieoverrækkelse
Danmark stiller med seks hold, to hold i hver kategori (mix, dame og herre). Læs meget mere om de seks hold herunder:
MIX – Ollerup GF
Nice to know: The team consists of gymnast from 5 different nordic countries, all former or present students from Gymnastikhøjskolen in Ollerup.
The youngest gymnast is 19, the oldest 25. Both of the tumbling coaches have been on the team themselves. Last in 2013
MIX – Gjellerup Sdr. S. G. Mix
Nice to know: Gjellerup Sdr. Mix team is a new team that started last year. They did some good competitions and in the qualification for Winners’ Final they came in number three. After a very good competition in Winners’ Final they won silver. So now we are here for Nordics and hope to have a good time in Lund, Sweden.
The team is training together with the men’s team and there is always a lot of energy in the gym. Most of the gymnasts are studying and then they do TeamGym in Gjellerup in their sparetime. See you all in Sweden
DAME – Gladsaxe
Nice to know: The gymnasts age from 18 to 28 years and everyone plays an important role and shows a strong commitment to TeamGym. All of the gymnasts are engaged in the process of creating their floor routine. Trying new things, having fun, playing games and training hard are all important factors for the gymnasts and coaches from Gladsaxe.
GIF is one of the largest gymnastics associations in Denmark and is situated close to the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen.
GIF Senior Women has been among the best gymnastics teams in Denmark for several years and they became Danish champions in 2016 and 2017.
DAME – Sæby – Viborg
Nice to know: A young but promising project to get more focus on the senior enviroment in the middle and northern jutland. They have only been competing for two years, but have won silver medal twice.
The team has nine gymnasts and one coach that are or have been a part of the Danish national team. First time ever competing at Nordic Teamgym championships.
HERRER – Gjellerup Sdr. S. G. Men
Nice to know: From 2013 and five years in a row Gjellerup won the Danish Championsship and two years ago the team won Nordics on Iceland.
The team is the biggest team in Denmark for senior men. We have 90 men doin TeamGym and performance gymnastic in Gjellerup. A lot of the gymnasts are also joining the National TeamGym Team.
HERRER – TeamGym Aarhus
Nice to know: This is the second time Teamgym Aarhus participates in the Nordic Championship. Last time we placed 3rd. This time we hope that we can take a step closer to the gold. The team is very young, so this time we will not have any dads on the team. Hopefully that will be to our advantage.
Team motto: “Our strong side is the we do not have any weaknesses, but our weakness is that we do not have any strong sides.”
Masser af medaljedrømme ved de Nordiske Mesterskaber i TeamGym
Masser af medaljedrømme ved de Nordiske Mesterskaber i TeamGym